Episode Recap: Hunted Down
Sam moves closer to his destiny while Mohamad tries to free himself from imprisonment. Axel escorts San Francisco survivors to Denver. Ivory and Scab take control of the Daywalker horde.
After a very busy two-parter last week, this time we’re catching up with the more
vampiric side of the crew. You know, the bad guys. And they are certainly living up
to the name. As Axel attempts to ferry the group from San Francisco to Denver, the
Sisterhood is setting out to ruin their plans. You see, the Daywalkers have heard
what’s waiting in Denver -- lots of humans to snack on – and Ivory and her sisters
weren’t about to let the men have all the fun. Ivory takes over the entire group of
Daywalkers and inducts them into the Sisterhood, provided they lose that spare
With everything that happened last week in Denver and the Daywalkers/Sisterhood
getting ready to attack the city, it doesn’t look like Axel and crew are going to have a
very warm welcome, assuming they get there at all. He’s having trouble traveling
with a group unused to this type of situation, which means he’s not only in charge,
but really the only thing standing between the group of humans and certain death.
Of course, being Axel, he immediately starts collecting more people after he comes
across someone on the way to San Francisco to catch a boat to Hawaii.
While all this is going on, Sam and Mohamad are having their own confusing party in
the woods. Mohamad has been trapped in the underground bunker/sleeping area
for at least a few days now, living off the meager amounts of blood he can squeeze
out of some rats, but a visit from the ghost and/or hallucination of an old, very dead
friend helps him escape. She won’t let him get very far, though, and tells him what
he must do is kill Sam.
Sam likely isn’t going to go without one hell of a fight, though, because he too is
seeing a creepy ghost/hallucination. That same woman in black who visited him as a
child and again when he adopted Felix reveals her face and orders him to “kill the
one he loves.” He gets upset but obeys and kills Felix only to learn that he isn’t the
right person. Sam is going to have to kill the real Mohamad. We're sure this will all go
very well.