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The Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 3 Breakdown | SYFY WIRE Podcasts

The Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 3 Breakdown | SYFY WIRE Podcasts

Not in the face, Mace! Our heroes (Caitlin, Matt, and Brian from SYFY WIRE’s JABBA THE POD: A Podcast About Star Wars) wrap up the Bad Batch arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars before heading into comics news and bidding farewell to an acting legend. Why do we love Mace Windu? Why does Wires insist on making demos using classics by Rey Snootles? How many lives does Trench have? Listen up and find out right now! Jabba the Pod: A Podcast about Star Wars is available wherever you get your podcasts! Listen & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Listen & Subscribe on Spotify