Meet Mama Earp!

The cursed Earp ancestry is rooted in gunslinging and bad (usually whiskey-fueled) decisions but shrouded in mystery. We know quite a bit about Wyatt, the sheriff and town marshall who took part in the gunfight at the O.K. Corral, and who may have dabbled in demon-hunting. We also know a fair amount about Ward Earp, Wynonna and Waverly's papa, who died during a raid by The Seven where he was unwittingly shot by Wynonna. But Michelle "Mama" Earp has remained a mystery up until now. We did know that that was in agreement with the Earp's Kardashian-esque naming conventions by going all in on the "W", and that she left the Earp household when Willa, Wynonna, and Waverly were all young. But guess what?! She made her first appearance at the end of Season 2, and now she's been officially cast. Meet Michelle "Mama" Earp AKA Queen Catherine de Medici AKA Anne of Green Gables, AKA Megan Follows: