Episode Recap: Killing All the Books
Pacifica is bombed, and our heroes decide to follow the Talker Underground to stop whoever is behind the attacks.

A new spate of terrorist bombings has hit – now in Pacifica. The search for survivors
leads to many dead and some brand new talkers. And just like the Altura attack, this
bombing is followed up by a wave of Zombie attacks. Doc does some triage and finds
out how these bombings might be triggered. But who – or what – is behind it?
Alturan mercenaries take human survivors back with them. No talkers allowed. Citizen
Z, Kaya, JayZ and Nana decide to go back to Altura and see what they can learn.
Talkers in Pacifica stay back and try to salvage books from the heavily damaged library. And Doc, Warren and George strike out on their own – looking for Dante and for
10K is unhappy with his hook hand. Wandering around Altura he sees some suspicious goings-on. His nosing around leads him to hide in a truck – soon to be packed with some hungry Zs. Who is transporting them, and why? And, where the heck is Murphy? Still?