Episode Recap: Limbo
Warren and the others are reunited with Addy in "Limbo", an underground casino run by Murphy and his Blends, that shelters Talkers on the run from Altura Militia.
Doc, Warren and George trek the trail of Talker tracks, looking for Dante and whatever
else they find. The path leads to Limbo. This place is a debauched hell-hole filled with
booze, gambling, talkers, blendeds, humans, fighting and more. Who could possible be in charge of this seedy established? One guess. It’s Murphy.
Murphy gives his pals a tour of the casino floor, and the sub-basement. What’s below?
The talker underground. He’s providing refuge to those on the lam. A mystery driver
deposits a new bunch daily. Who is at the wheel? Addy. It’s old home week!
After a lot of booze and a little coaxing, Addy agrees to lead Warren and George to
Dante. They bring him into Limbo to find Marjorie, his Talker wife. But of course they are followed by a group of Alturan mercenaries who want to take Dante back to his “trial.” Meanwhile, 10K continues his lone wanderings and finally meets up with the
What’s next, gang?