Drop Everything You're Doing and Watch Jennifer Goines Make Noises!
What would Jennifer Goines be without her numerous, humourous sound effects?
Jennifer Goines is someone who is definitely meant to be seen and heard. It's an actual crime that she was ever locked away from the world, because her presence is a true gift to all who encounter her. Whether Jennifer is enlightening Cole about the fate of his choices or acting out scenes from E.T. and Alien in 1920s French theatre, Jennifer's performances are never without some glorious sound effects to set the scene. How Emily Hampshire hasn't won an Emmy for Jennifer's noises is beyond us! The Television Academy needs to start recognizing the greatness and elegance of a snorting-laugh, so consider this something of an FYC submission.
Don't believe us? Watch this compilation of auditory bliss:
And if you haven't had the chance to see what Jennifer's been up to recently, drop everything you're doing right now and binge the third seasons of 12 Monkeys!