Bitten Banter: Vol. 9 - Back to the Pack
The Banter comes full circle as Greyston Holt interviews Laura Vandervoort and Greg Bryk.

And so it comes full circle!
If you remember, the very first volume of Bitten Banter featured Laura Vandervoort (Elena), Greyston Holt (Clay) and Greg Bryk (Jeremy) sitting on the Bitten Banter couch, testing each other's Bitten knowledge via a rousing Quiztravaganza.
Well, here we are at the end of Season 2, and with it comes the season's final volume of Bitten Banter. And, appropriately enough, the Banter comes to a close with the return of Laura, Greyston and Greg, this time engaged in a rousing interview session.
Watch as Greyston makes for an excellent talk show host as he asks his co-stars all the important end-of-season questions (What's the weirdest thing you've ever bitten into? Do Jeremy's vests give him superpowers? Who's better in bed - Philip or Clay?) and, of course, utilizes all those strange stuffed animal props to full effect.

Many thanks for tuning into Bitten Banter throughout Bitten Season 2!