Chosen One of the Day: That blender from You're Next
I've watched a lot of Alton Brown in my life. And one of our favorite food nerd's biggest tips is never to buy a single-purpose kitchen item. The best things in life are multipurpose. And while blenders are great for smoothies, milkshakes, soups, and the like, in You're Next, we learned they can be so much more.
In this delightful and gloriously gory film, our hero Erin (Sharni Vinson) doesn't let a little thing like lack of access to guns or knives get in her way. She works with what she's got. When life hands her lemons, she throws those lemons in the blender and turns some dude's brains into lemonade. We stan a resourceful final girl.
Thank you, Erin, for showing us that the best kitchen appliances can do so much more than nut butters and gazpachos. Nothing but respect for our murdery Martha Stewart.