Check out this drivable fan replica of the iconic Star Wars landspeeder - with mini jets!

Leave it to Star Wars fans to be so industrious. To celebrate the impending release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, some handy YouTuber has built a jet-powered X-34 Star Wars landspeeder. (Cue SYFY WIRE’s entire New York office clamoring to get their own to avoid taking the subway to work.)
British inventor and Star Wars fan Colin Furze has made his own drivable replica of the speeder that Luke Skywalker uses in the original 1977 Star Wars film. Furze explains in a video on YouTube that he and his team built the replica, which he made in conjunction with eBay, based on measurements from the speeder toy.
Now, the vehicle is electric-powered, and therefore not very fast. However, the speeder also comes with functioning mini jets, which kicks things up a notch. Furze even puts a mirror at the bottom of the speeder “to make it look like it’s hovering,” just as Star Wars director George Lucas & Co. did in the original film.
It is, not surprisingly, way cool. Check it out below.
Furze, who previously built his own speeder bike and a backyard playhouse resembling an AT-ACT from Rogue One, shows how he and his team made the speeder in this video.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters Dec. 20.