From Peacemaker to WWE: John Cena’s best performances onscreen and in the ring
You want versatility? You got it... bro.

From his early days as The Prototype to a breakout big-screen performance that nabbed him his own HBO series, John Cena’s career in front of the camera has hit more high notes than Peacemaker singing along to some cheesy ‘80s hair metal jam. Now lined up with tons of Hollywood projects and sitting at the helm of his own WWE series (narrating Peacock’s WWE: Evil), Cena’s marking his 20th year as a WWE Superstar not only as a future wrestling Hall-of-Famer, but as an attitude-adjusting screen hero who’s operating at the height of his game.
Like his athletic crossover colleague (and sometimes WWE nemesis) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Cena’s gifted with the kind of showman’s versatility that’s found a natural fit in big-budget movies and TV shows that make the most of mixing his acting chops with those bulging biceps. But after two decades in the ring and on the screen, which of his performances stand out from the crowd? Because from the day he stepped into the WWE ring to answer Kurt Angle's open challenge 20 years ago, John Cena has been an entertainer at heart.
Get in the ring, bro: It’s time to take a tour through Cena’s career highlight reel as both a WWE icon and a movie star.
Visit USA Insider for the full John Cena scoop as we break down the wrestling icon's greatest moments on the silver screen and in the ring.
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