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Legends of Tomorrow's midseason trailer promises Disney World, demons and Bollywood

By James Comtois

“Who needs the trinity anyway? The Legends are super enough!” Our thoughts exactly. (Okay, not exactly; as much as we adore the Legends of Tomorrow, we also love Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl.)

Chin up, Legends fans. The wait for DC’s Legends of Tomorrow to return to The CW and save the world from temporal aberrations is almost at an end. But while we wait, they’ve been kind enough to provide us with an extended midseason trailer, foreshadowing the many hijinks and shenanigans the Legends will be getting into (spoiler alert: a lot). 

Opening with a delightful psych-out before diving into the good stuff, the Legends of Tomorrow’s extended midseason sizzle reel shows the eponymous Legends preparing to face off against the demon lord Neron, who plans to open the gates of hell. But that doesn't mean they also don't have time (being that they're, y'know, time travelers) to head to Mexico and fight some lucha libre wrestlers, kidnap Nixon, take a trip to Disney World via an RV, and of course, fight some evil, save the world, and raise some hell. 

And let’s not forget that Bollywood musical number. Seriously. 

It all promises to be suitably insane. Check it out below... 

To quote John Constantine, “Now this is what I call a bloody good show!”

Well put, sir. Well put.

The midseason premiere of Legends of Tomorrow airs Apr. 1 on The CW. Will you be watching?

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