Legion releases time travel-filled trailer for third and final season

Oddball mutant series Legion is one of the most surreal superhero shows this side of Doom Patrol, which means that over the course of its run on FX, creator Noah Hawley has taken fans to some pretty strange places. As the show enters its third and final season, this isn’t going to change. In fact, it’s only getting stranger.
Legion released the first trailer for its third season today, giving the world a look at footage that only audiences at WonderCon have seen. And it’s bananas. Of course David (Dan Stevens) would start a cult.
Take a look:
With robots, time travel, and SWAT teams all causing a ruckus among main characters who would be happy simply blowing minds and dropping Alice in Wonderland references, Legion’s third season is going out with a bang. Lenny (Aubrey Plaza) is getting much more complicated than the character even initially seemed (which was super-complicated), while the psychedelic color scheme will only be supplemented with the dire blues and blacks of finality.
The Magical Mystery Tour is coming to a close, and Harry Lloyd’s Charles Xavier will definitely have a hand in it. Will David survive? Destroy the world? Die a hero? Or deal with his illness and live happily (if complexly) ever after? This might be the last time a Marvel-adjacent show explores such topics now that Disney is now its sole corporate owner, so fans should eat it up while it’s here.
Legion begins its eight-episode final season on June 24.