Constantine no more: Matt Ryan returns to 'Legends of Tomorrow' with first look at his new character
We all knew no one could keep Matt Ryan away from the Arrowverse for long.
No matter what, Matt Ryan is going to find a way to stick around in the Arrowverse of DC Comics-based TV series at The CW. After landing the role of John Constantine on NBC's Constantine series, Ryan survived that show's early cancellation in 2015 and managed to parlay his performance into a guest starring spot on Arrow, which then turned into a guest starring spot on Legends of Tomorrow, which then turned into voice acting appearances as Constantine and a series regular spot amid the time-hopping Legends cast. What started as 13 episodes soon became years of work as everyone's favorite chain smoking, trench coat wearing magician.
But all good things must come to an end, and that also turned out to be true with John Constantine. Though he's still up for more voice acting appearances as the character, John's live-action time on Legends of Tomorrow drew to a close last season, as the character bid a farewell to his co-stars from beyond the grave. But even that wasn't enough to keep Ryan away from the beloved CW series. Before long, Legends of Tomorrow showrunners revealed that Ryan would be returning for the show's seventh season as a brand-new character, and now we have the first look at that triumphant reunion — full beard and all.
In next week's episode -- "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist" -- Ryan will return as Dr. Gwyn Davies, the man believed to be responsible for the time travel technology that allows the Legends team to do what they do. Stuck in the 1920s after the events of Season 6, Sara, Ava, Behrad, and Gary track Dr. Davies to New York City in the hopes that his scientific wisdom will be their ticket back to the future. Of course, when they arrive, they discover that Davies isn't quite the scientist they were hoping he'd be.
Here's how co-showrunner Keto Shimizu described Davies and his motivations to SYFY WIRE last month:
“He’s got a lot of demons — not the kind that John had, but really personal ones that he’s dealing with, and his own reasons for wanting time travel,” she said. "So him hooking up with the Legends both is a means to the end that he’s trying to reach, but also a potential hindrance. And there’s just wonderful potential there for deep friendships to form but also, you know, some real conflict as we approach sort of the endgame.”
"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist" airs Nov. 10 on The CW.