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WATCH C2E2: Colin Donnell on the end of Arrow and his preferred crossover


When Colin Donnell joined the cast of Arrow as Tommy Merlyn, it was widely believed that Tommy would turn out to be Oliver Queen's greatest foe and rival archer, Merlyn. Instead, that role went to Donnell's on-screen father, John Barrowman, while Tommy met his demise in the Season 1 finale. But even though Donnell was written out of Arrow, he hasn't stayed too far away from the show he once called home. At C2E2, Donnell was given a spotlight panel on the Live Stage and he weighed in on the impending end of Arrow.

"I've been keeping up with the people [behind Arrow]," said Donnell. "I catch the shows every once and a while. It's been awesome to see, especially since Beth Schwartz took over as showrunner. I think she's done an amazing job. I think it's the end of an era, really. And I'm sad to see it go, but I think they're gonna end it with a bang like they always do."

Donnell also recounted the ways that Tommy has reappeared on the show, in response to a question about how he would like to return.

"So far, he's come back as a hallucination, a ghost, somebody impersonating him who was impersonating the Arrow, an alternate universe Prometheus... which he died again," recounted Donnell. “I don’t know. What else is there left to bring him back? He could be a long-lost twin brother... I like this, we're gonna go with that one."

Currently, Donnell plays Dr. Connor Rhodes on Chicago Med for NBC. However, Donnell was completely open to the wild idea of bringing the Arrowverse heroes into Gaffney Chicago Medical Center for a crossover between the two shows.

"I think Dr. Rhodes would probably be the only person who wasn't surprised," said Donnell. "Like 'no, no, no. I get that. That's the Arrow, guys? Don't you guys know? And that's Supergirl over there. By the way, the Flash is going to run back and forth and take care of people and bring patients in really quick.' Why not?"

For more intel from Donnell, check out the entire video!

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