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SYFY WIRE Original Video

WATCH: Exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Titans' 'Family Story'


Are you a misfit who feels no one in the universe could possibly understand you? That's just one more reason to watch Titans.

Rachel aka Raven (Teagan Croft) trusts no one, and you probably wouldn't either if you were an outcast superhero kid whose dad was a demon. Robin, aka Dick (Brenton Thwaites), feels he has to assume the role of a mentor to a kid who is very much a loner but doesn't realize she needs someone to guide her when the planet is under a massive threat.

"His goal [is] to protect Rachel at all costs," Thwaites told SYFY WIRE. "He develops a relationship [with] her in the first episode and takes on that responsibility to protect her and look after her."

Don't forget that Dick Grayson has been there before. After his parents' death, Batman took the ex-circus performer in and trained him, so he's really just passing on the karma.

"They’re kind of on their own in the world," explained Croft. "They're both orphans, and when Rachel is in need, Dick kind of takes her under his wing and protects her. When they come together they come to a mutual understanding of each other."

For the Titans, family doesn't end in DNA. They are all loners, Starfire and Beast included, who may not realize the strength that (super)human bonds could give them and would rather go it alone than try to embrace a group dynamic. Meanwhile, Dick becomes Rachel's surrogate older brother, giving her the guidance she doesn't want to admit she so desperately needs... and he needs to figure himself out at the same time.

"He has to simultaneously figure out how to parent her — how to guide her through it — and understand himself better,” said executive producer and showrunner Greg Walker.

Watch to see what it's like for these teens to have the world weighing on their shoulders as they take on the world together.

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