Doctor Who: Christopher Eccleston regenerating as Ninth Doctor for Big Finish audio adventures

Nearly two decades after he helped revive Doctor Who for a new generation on the BBC, Christopher Eccleston will return to play the Ninth Doctor in 12 brand-new audio productions inspired by the hit show. They are scheduled to be released across four volumes, starting in May 2021, Big Finish confirmed today.
For more than 20 years, the company has established itself as the premiere place for quality audio adventures set within the Doctor Who universe. While details of the plot, writing team, and guest voice actors are being kept a secret at this time, the release promises that the upcoming series will deliver on "the trip of a lifetime."
"After 15 years, it will be exciting to revisit the Ninth Doctor's world, bringing back to life a character I love playing," Eccleston said in a statement.
Check out the small teaser below:
"I first talked to Christopher about returning to the role of the Doctor at the Gallifrey One convention in February this year. Christopher said he was enjoying meeting the fans and was pleased that his Doctor was remembered so fondly. He indicated he would be open to discussing a project with Big Finish," recalled Big Finish Chairman Jason Haigh-Ellery. "And then the pandemic happened and time moved both quickly and very slowly. Over recent months, ideas have been exchanged and discussions had. I am so pleased that Christopher has decided to return to the role with us — and I'm excited to welcome him to the Big Finish family as we discover the new adventures of the Ninth Doctor."
"Working with Chris was a very special time for me. The beginning of my Doctor Who TV career. So, writing for and directing him feels incredibly exciting. He’s such a powerful performer and it’ll be amazing to work with him again," concluded Nicholas Briggs, Big Finish's creative director.
You can pre-order Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures right here for $26.07. Fans can choose between "a 4-disc collector’s edition box set or download containing three brand-new full cast audio adventures, plus a selection of behind-the-scenes extras." LP vinyl and bundle options are available at higher price points.