Comics: DC axes Jesus Christ comic book, Conan joins Marvel's Savage Avengers, more

So many comics, so little time!
Today, we bring you updates on a most holy comic series that was canceled before it even began; an Avengers roster of some pretty gruff and unsavory individuals; and a walking wad of chewed-up bubble gum with bones inside of it.
Confused? Excited? Both?! OK, let's go!
In a rare move, DC Comics (specifically its Vertigo imprint) has decided not to go forward with Second Coming, a comic series centered on Jesus Christ. Prior to its cancellation, the title faced controversy for its somewhat farcical take on Christianity.
Written by Mark Russell and drawn by Richard Pace, the story finds Jesus sent on a mission from his father, God, to find out what it means to be a true messiah. While the home of Batman and Kal-El won't be publishing the run, the rights were returned to its two creators, who are currently looking for a new publisher.
In Second Coming, Jesus becomes roommates with an obvious Superman parody character known as Sun-Man, "the Last Son of Krispex!" reads DC's website, which has yet to take down the cover and description. Upon returning to Earth, Jesus also becomes annoyed with how his teachings have been interpreted over the centuries.
Conan the Barbarian is making a comeback at Marvel Comics, and this time, he's part of the Avengers — the Savage Avengers, to be exact!
As the name suggests, this group is made up of some of the most brutal and *ahem* savage characters in the Marvel Universe: Conan, Venom, Brother Voodoo, Punisher, Elektra, and Wolverine. In particular, Conan, who hails from an arcane ancient land of magic and barbarism, doesn't fully understand his teammates and their abilities.
“The Marvel heroes have not quite seen the likes of Conan before, but when you turn it around and look at Conan viewing this, he’s very skeptical of a lot of it because he’s so magic-averse,” writer, Gerry Duggan (known for his extensive work on Deadpool), told Entertainment Weekly. “Conan is a fish out of water, but everyone will come to respect the skills they’re all bringing to the fight.”
Drawn by Mike Deodato Jr., Savage Avengers #1 doesn't have a release date just yet, but EW reports that it will arrive "soon."
This week, Marvel released Age of X-Man: NextGen #1, which puts the spotlight on a number of young and lesser-known mutants.
Per outlets like Comic Book Resources, the first issue gives Glob Herman his time in the limelight. For those of you not familiar with him, Glob is a very curious mutant whose entire body basically turned into a giant, translucent airbag/wad of chewed-up gum/pink balloon when his powers manifested. A walking blob, his internal organs and bones are on display for everyone to see.
"Pixie, Anole, Rockslide, and Armor all get time to shine, but the one character who is ostensibly our protagonist this issue is Glob Herman," reads CBR's recap/review of Issue #1. "In fact, you could almost boil this issue down to a 'Day in the Life of Glob' comic, if it weren't for whatever larger conspiracy is at play in the peripherals of this entire event."
A five-issue series by Ed Brisson and Marcus To, Age of X-Man: NextGen #1 is now on sale everywhere. Issue #2 drops on March 20.