Doctor Who: First teaser for Jodie Whittaker’s final season confirms Weeping Angels, reveals new threat ‘The Flux’
The Doctor Who franchise is poised for a major change in the next year or so, with former showrunner Russell T. Davies poised to take back the reins in 2023. But before that, the 13th Doctor still has one final adventure — and it sounds like she’s bringing a whole lot of old friends enemies.
BBC America dropped the first tantalizing teaser for the final season of Jodie Whittaker’s tenure as The Doctor, which will mark the 13th season of the new-Who run, and it sounds like she’ll be leaving the TARDIS with her greatest challenge yet. The teaser is basically a call for help, and we learn that fan favorite villains like the Weeping Angels (yes!) and Sontarans will return — plus mysterious new threats like the Ravages.
Check out the all-too-brief teaser below:
Though we’ll apparently see lots of other baddies along the way, it sounds like the big threat this season will be something called… The Flux. Perhaps a “flux” in time and space itself, ripping all these villains out and throwing them at The Doctor? Or maybe a sentient villain out to wipe out all reality? Who knows at this point. But regardless, it sounds like the 13th Doctor will have her hands more than full before she eventually hangs up her keys and regenerates.
This new season will reportedly be framed more as one full arc to bring Whittaker’s time to a close, as opposed to the standalone adventures we’ve gotten for much of outgoing showrunner Chris Chibnall’s run. Companion Yaz (Mandip Gill) will return, along with a few new companions who will be dropping in for this last adventure.
The 13th season of Doctor Who hits BBC and BBC America on October 31.