Doctor Who showrunner posts 13th Doctor short story & teases more self-isolating goodies
The folks behind Doctor Who are doing an absolutely brilliant job checking in on their fans today while we all remain indoors, practicing social distancing. Just after series star Jodie Whittaker posted a message online asking fans to be kind and to listen to science, showrunner Chris Chibnall has now offered up his new Thirteenth Doctor short story, available on the BBC’s website.
The story, “Things She Thought While Falling,” bridges the gap between the final Steven Moffat/Peter Capaldi episode, “Twice Upon a Time,” and the first Chibnall/Jodie Whittaker episode, “The Woman Who Fell to Earth.” As Chibnall himself describes in an accompanying note to Whovians, the story offers “a few words about what went through the Thirteenth Doctor’s head, immediately after she regenerated and was thrown out her TARDIS.”
“Hello! We’re living through some strange times right now,” Chibnall also writes in the note to fans. “With people staying home, and families stuck together, I thought maybe a few little presents from Doctor Who might help. Something to read, together or alone. New treats, from the people who make Doctor Who.”
Chibnall added that they’ll “try and post things here once or twice a week,” including “a never-before-published treat" written by former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies later this week. It is unclear whether Chibnall is referring or not to a live-tweeting event that Davies has planned for tomorrow at 7 p.m. GMT (3 p.m. ET), where he'll be releasing new material to fans over a communal re-watch of the episode “Rose,” the first episode of the new Doctor Who era. We suppose only time will tell.
Earlier today, Whittaker posted a very touching video through the official Doctor Who Twitter account. While appearing in character as the 13th Doctor, she offers ideas about how to handle anxiety in dark times while socially isolating (or “hiding,” as she puts it more accurately).
Although Doctor Who just aired the finale of its 12th season earlier this month, it is scheduled to air a special episode — "Revolution of the Daleks" — over the holiday season.