The Falcon and the Winter Soldier's Emily VanCamp on Power Broker rumors, Sharon's future
Who is Madripoor's mysterious Power Broker? Could it possibly be Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp), who, after being branded a traitor in Captain America: Civil War, became a high-ranking art broker in the lawless pirate nation? She's definitely a lot shadier compared to when we last saw her in 2016.
The rumor mill is hard at work for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, cranking out arguments that the former CIA agent is too far into the criminal underworld to turn back now. But if WandaVision taught us anything, it's to take fan-generated hypotheses with a large grain of salt and an injection of super-soldier serum.
During a recent interview with Variety about Episode 3 of the new Marvel series, VanCamp sounded off on the rumors that Sharon is Madripoor's most powerful mafioso. "The Power Broker could be anybody," she said. "Also, there are several characters that have yet to be seen. So, I mean, I can’t say anything."
Ok, not a definitive answer, but a pretty cagey response all the same. Following the events of the most recent episode, Sharon decided to continue her forced exile abroad, while Sam (Anthony Mackie) makes a promise to try and get her pardoned by the U.S. government.
"I think for Sharon, the biggest goal — as you see in Episode 3 and we’ll continue to see — is she wants to be pardoned. She’s been on the run. Enough is enough. She’s sacrificed enough," the actress explained, adding that the character could really muck things up for our heroes if she wanted to (giving a little more credence to the Power Broker speculation).
"I think that’s her main goal, to get back to some semblance of the life that she had, if that’s even possible. I mean, that was my biggest take," she continued. "This is her ticket. She sees [Sam and Bucky], and as much as in her mind there are many reasons that she would just want to lash out and ruin their lives, they’re also a ticket for her to get her life back. So that’s an interesting dynamic to see as well."
Speaking with SYFY WIRE, co-cast member Erin Kellyman (Flash Smasher Karli Morgenthau) stated that fan theories aren't exactly hitting the mark. "I actually don't think I've seen anybody close yet," she admitted. "There's a lot of guessing, but I don't think anybody's got it just right yet."
The first three episodes of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier are now available to stream on Disney+. Episode 4 (of 6) debuts on the streaming service this Friday, April 9.