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Harley Quinn's latest cold open roasts Snyder Cut fanatics and The Last Jedi naysayers

By Jacob Oller
Harley Quinn fanboys

DC Universe's critically acclaimed Harley Quinn show has made waves for being an R-rated, sharp, violent, and messy take on a comic character that's had a bit of a renaissance lately. Now, partway through its second season, the series has used one of its hilarious cold opens to make a rare meta statement on the world of genre fandom — and two of its most vocal movements.

One is DC related: the Snyder Cut truthers. The HBO Max Twitter account was recently bombarded by responses advocating for a version of 2017's Justice League that is cut to director Zack Snyder's specfications (as the helmer stepped down partway through production, replaced by Avengers alum Joss Whedon). There is no tangible evidence the version exists in a watchable form or will ever be released, but people sure do like to talk about it.

The other is from the realm of Star Wars. Director Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi was a critical darling upon its release and racked up enough box office dollars to show that the franchise's fans were here for it. However, a vocal minority online complained plenty about the film — which included elements that undercut plot points from The Force Awakens. When The Rise of Skywalker undercut those undercuts, well, it gave that minority exactly what they'd been asking for. Now, in this week's episode, Harley Quinn shows what happens when fans from either contingent discuss Harley Quinn itself...and it's hilarious.

Take a look at the cold open from "Batman's Back Man:"

These beardy, animated basement-dwellers are ready to complain — even if their complaints are hypocritical, as the man in the "The Last Jedi Is Not Canon" shirt points out. The guy in the "Release the Snyder Cut" shirt gets roasted hardest, seeing as he dismisses the very show he's in as content for "12-year-old girls." But, since Batman is in this episode, he's going to watch it (as if he wasn't watching the rest of the episodes, which he seems to know an awful lot about) even if Harley Quinn is, in his words, a "tsunami of virtue signaling."

The creators of Harley Quinn seem to have a good sense of humor about themselves and now they're extending that self-effacing nature to a few segments of the fanboy community — who are now canonized inside a DC show of their own...even if it's in an unflattering light. Harley Quinn releases new episodes on Fridays on DC Universe.

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