Ruby Rose drops more details about 'really terrifying' on-set accident that led to major spine surgery

This past weekend, we brought you news that actor Ruby Rose had sustained on-set injuries a few months back, and was nearly paralyzed by them. In the end, major surgery was required to set her right. Graphic footage of the invasive procedure eventually made its way to Rose's Instagram page, and while she didn't initially disclose the project on which the accident occurred, last night on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, she ended up confirming that it did take place on the set of The CW's Batwoman.
"I [basically] broke my neck on the show," Rose said, recounting the full story. "I did this stunt for a very extended amount of time — like seven hours. We thought that I broke a rib or just fractured a rib, and that was like 6-12 weeks of healing. So then I had 6-12 weeks of chronic pain and just kept assuming that [it was a rib fracture] until I kept seeing these doctors and they're like, 'It's your neck, it's your neck. [The pain] just radiates into these places of nerve endings.' So, I finally got an MRI, and I had to get it in Romania in the middle of a film where I was also doing stunts. I sent it to my doctor ... he called and was like, 'You could become paraplegic. Two of your discs have herniated and they've broken all the protective layers. You have this tiny amount of your spine that's not severed, and if you don't get back, you could become paraplegic.' Even just sleeping wrong or moving my head in a strange direction. It was really, really terrifying."
The entire experience gave Rose a different outlook on life, which included putting her health above work and a rumination over the state of modern healthcare in the United States.
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On a lighter note, Rose also revealed that she was originally allergic to the cowl on her Batwoman costume.
"I'm allergic to the adhesive tape, so I had hives for a little while," she said. "When I took it off, I was like in a horror film where people were like, 'It's gonna be okay, can you just stay back there? Just stay there, we're gonna call someone. Don't come near me.' We had to take everything out of it and put something else like cotton or something in it."
Season 1 of Batwoman premieres on The CW this coming Sunday, Oct. 6.