The Mandalorian answers a huge Star Wars question: How do they use the toilet?
Gastrointestinal issues in space! The characters in Star Wars must have tons of them, because there's weird-looking food and drink all over the place. How do these interstellar adventurers, you know, relieve themselves after a hearty meal of Shaak meat and Bantha milk? Where, I ask you, does Kylo Ren go to the bathroom? You know that guy does. He's in there all the time.
Wonder no longer, because Disney+'s new live-action Star Wars streaming series, The Mandalorian, has finally given us something we've never seen on screen in Star Wars before — a toilet.
Even better than that, really, because it's not just a toilet. It's a space toilet.
It's called a "vac tube" and it looks just like a round, tilted hole in the side of the titular character's ship, like an advanced version of an airplane toilet. Which makes sense, given the setting. It's the first time we're ever seeing a toilet in Star Wars. It is a monumental occasion.
The closest we've ever come to this in live-action has been the shower scene in Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story. We definitely got a look at some waterworks while Han and Chewie got to know each other, but we didn't see a vac tube or a toilet.
Even in the animated series, if they have to mention a bathroom or water closet, they usually use the term "refresher." Agent Kallus memorably (or not so memorably, your choice) used one in Star Wars Rebels at least once.
This vac tube sent by the force is even something new when it comes to the books, where refreshers and other, ever-rotating names for "bathroom" are continually used. All that caf must have no effect on the bowels, because as far as I can recall, you never read the word "vac tube" in the books. You definitely never see the word "toilet."
So... here we are at last. A convenient way to relieve yourself while flying through space... right out in the open, in front of everyone. The vac tube on the Mandalorian's ship has no stall or privacy screen, so enjoy the show, everyone! Don't get nervous.
Rest easy, citizens of the galaxy far, far away. The vac tube has come to relieve you.