These Expanse fans got engaged in Dominique Tipper's instagram comments

February is the month of LOVE and also, conveniently, the month when the third season of The Expanse officially hits Amazon Prime (just in time to binge over the weekend). Today, those two lovely events intermixed when star Dominique Tipper posted a promo video on Instagram.
In the comments of the video, fan @dave.close.yall tagged his significant other @gabbyrose to share the news... in addition to proposing, saying he would marry her if Tipper liked the comment.
TRUE LOVE incarnate in 2019. Tipper then responded checking to see if Gabby, in fact, wanted to marry Dave—which was a good call. Luckily for Dave, Gabby very casually replied saying, “yeah I’m down.” Wow, if this isn’t the most chill Instagram proposal ever. (I'm totally assuming that there have been other Instagram proposals.)
It's pretty cool that these two Earthers were able to get Tipper's blessing for their union and an assist in the proposal. She's already been plenty involved but another fan suggested she officiate the wedding.
So we'll have to keep an eye on this one. Maybe they'll have an Expanse-themed wedding? Or name their first kid Dominique? Whatever happens, these three are now tied together forever and we've got the receipts to prove it.