Through the Looking Glass Episode 4: Lost and the Birth of Transmedia

Welcome back to Through the Looking Glass: A Lost Retrospective, co-hosted by SYFY WIRE senior producer Tara Bennett and renowned TV critic Maureen Ryan.
Lost embraced and encouraged its rabid fan base with an onslaught of creative viral marketing, from ARG games like HansoExposed and Lost University to showrunner podcasts and copious exclusive DVD features. Overseas, Sky1 even had an after show, The Lost Initiative. Lost changed fan engagement forever! We welcome former ABC transmedia innovators John Bernstein and David J. Daniels and editor of the Official Lost Magazine and co-host of The Lost Initiative Paul Terry to dig into it all.
Listen below!
We hope you join us for all six episodes of Through the Looking Glass: A Lost Retrospective. Each episode is available from your preferred podcast platform:
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