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SYFY WIRE Original Video

WATCH: 180° Critical Role panel at ECCC 2019


Critters, are you ready to roll? Earlier this week, the Critical Role Kickstarter campaign came to an end with an astounding $11.3 million to create an animated series based on their Vox Machina adventures. That show may be well over a year away, but luckily SYFY WIRE has something special to share from this year's ECCC.

Our latest video is a 180° view of Critical Role’s entire ECCC panel, as hosted by SYFY WIRE’s Whitney Moore. That means you control the camera, and you’ve got the best seat in the house to watch cast members Matthew Mercer, Marisha Ray, Travis Willingham, Taliesin Jaffe, Sam Riegel, Liam O'Brien, and Laura Bailey convey their amazement at the Kickstarter’s success before plugging the new Critical Role comics. Whitney even got to fill in for Ashley Johnson as Pike in a newly created Vox Machina scene that got a bit deadly for most of the characters involved. 

"We brought an early scene... a little snippet... a quick little ditty about the Legend of Vox Machina," said Mercer.

After the reading was completed, Riegel addressed the challenges of translating an improvised show into a scripted animated series.

"We're gonna just use the best writers in the world to help craft the story," related Riegel. “We have two episodes that are gonna launch the animated series that are a brand new original adventure for Vox Machina to go on. Then we’re gonna launch into some of the classic stories from our first campaign, starting with the Briariwood arc. The story has been told, and we’re going to be adapting it into the animated series. And maybe exploring parts of the story that we glossed over... or compressing [it]."

For more Critical Role details, check out the entire video!

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