WATCH ECCC: Chip Zdarsky talks Sex Criminals while snuggling on stage
Thanks to the internet, Chip Zdarsky's name will forever be synonymous with Sex Criminals. That's the title of the hit Image Comics series Zdarsky created with writer Matt Fraction. In that book, a young couple discover that they can stop time and commit crimes after having sex. It's one of the wilder comics out there, and Zdarsky didn't shy away from the content on ECCC's Live Stage. If anything, Zdarsky embraced it... before literally snuggling up with SYFY WIRE host Dany Roth.
According to Zdarsky, the cast has become so expansive that "this is like the X-Men of sex now. We've got way too many sex characters. We need to bring them together and figure out where we're going."
While the main characters of Sex Criminals use their powers to rob banks and serve their own agenda, Zdarsky had a more down to Earth way to utilize the ability if it was real.
"If I could actually stop time, the sad answer is I'd probably try and catch up on my work and draw more issues of Sex Criminals," admitted Zdarsky. "That's just the saddest answer, really."
Zdarsky noted that the sixth volume will be the final arc of the series. "It took Matt about eight months to plot it out. I got the script from issue 26 last week. I've given it a readthrough and it's great. It's some of his best work... Right now, I'm breaking it down... If we keep on track, then probably I think summer, everything should be out."
For more Sex Criminals intel, check out the whole video!