Who Won the Week: Brave New World watch party (and musings on amusement parks!)
Welcome to the latest episode of Who Won the Week, a weekly podcast in which SYFY WIRE looks back at the week that was and the stories that are blowing up the geek-o-sphere.
Lots to talk about today! We sit down with columnist Carlye Wisel for an update on what's going on in the world of theme parks. We talk through the economy of theme parks during the time of Covid, what we can expect from theme parks in the future, and Carlye's experiences at Disney and Universal in the midst of a pandemic.
We also check in with Alexis Loinaz about a special Brave New World watch-along exclusively on Peacock! Live-tweeting from Brave New Pod host Angeliqué Roché and select members of the cast begins tonight at 8PM ET! Use this link to check out all the episodes of Brave New World which are all available for free all weekend long!
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