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Van Helsing

Van Helsing is set in the near future, where vampires have risen and taken control. Vanessa Van Helsing is humanity's last hope, as her unique blood composition gives her the ability to turn vampires human. With this secret weapon, Vanessa becomes a prime target for the vampires.

Episode Recap: Hunted Down

Sam moves closer to his destiny while Mohamad tries to free himself from imprisonment. Axel escorts San Francisco survivors to Denver. Ivory and Scab take control of the Daywalker horde. 

Sister, Sister The Van Helsing Edition

Season 3 of Van Helsing has been has been chock-full of our favorite things: action, vampires and family bonding. You know what they say; sisters who slay together stay together.

Episode Recap: Like Suicide

Vanessa has a final showdown with the Second Elder in San Francisco. In Denver, Flesh, Doc, Julius and Jolene learn that even in a Safe-Zone, life isn't easy.

Episode Recap: Pretty Noose

In San Francisco, Vanessa, Scarlett and Axel find and battle against the Second Elder's forces. In Denver, Flesh, Doc, Julius and Jolene rejoin American civilization as best they can. 

Episode Recap: Rusty Cage

Sam comes to realize his dark destiny and tries to groom Mohamad to be a worthy partner. Scab and Ivory are bestowed Daywalker powers and return home to find the Sisterhood in ruins.