Steve Tolin
Age: 33
Hometown: Elkins, WV
Residence: Pittsburgh, PA
Occupation: Owner/Operator of Tolin FX
Steve has loved special effects since childhood and has practiced his craft in one way or another for most of his life. In high school, his decision to pursue special effects was solidified when he was selected to attend the WV Governor's School for the Arts. Steve graduated Dean's list from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 2000, and has acquired most of his professional knowledge from running his own studio these past 13 years. His passion and talent for the field also won him a Joseph Jefferson Award in Chicago for Outstanding Special Effects.Read More
Age: 33
Hometown: Elkins, WV
Residence: Pittsburgh, PA
Occupation: Owner/Operator of Tolin FX
Steve has loved special effects since childhood and has practiced his craft in one way or another for most of his life. In high school, his decision to pursue special effects was solidified when he was selected to attend the WV Governor's School for the Arts. Steve graduated Dean's list from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 2000, and has acquired most of his professional knowledge from running his own studio these past 13 years. His passion and talent for the field also won him a Joseph Jefferson Award in Chicago for Outstanding Special Effects. Steve is a married father of two daughters and enjoys practicing martial arts in his spare time. His favorite movies with special effects are Harry and the Hendersons, Gremlins, The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth.
You can follow Steve on Twitter. @Tolinfx