Alita: Battle Angel comes to brawl in new Super Bowl trailer

It's been a long road to Iron City, but we're less than a couple weeks away from Alita: Battle Angel hitting theaters.
In anticipation, the sci-fi spectacle released a new trailer during the Super Bowl tonight. As you can see, Rosa Salazar's cybernetic title character did not come to make friends.
It also gives us a better look at Mahershala Ali as the villainous Vector, who's hell-bent on destroying Alita. Of course, Alita is having none of it. The film also stars Christoph Waltz, Ed Skrein, Jennifer Connelly, and Rorschach himself, Jackie Earle Haley.
The film's based on the manga called Battle Angel Alita, and the big-screen version is helmed by Robert Rodriguez, who also co-wrote the script with Altered Carbon showrunner Laeta Kalogridis and James Cameron. The project spent years in development with Cameron before he passed the torch to Rodriguez. Cameron is still producing the project.
Reviews, so far, have been mixed, but the latest round of marketing is pushing its 3-D and IMAX screenings, so with the combined imaginations of Rodriguez and Cameron, at the very least you know it'll look great. Especially when you consider the amount of work that went into bringing the title character, and her eyes, to life.
Alita: Battle Angel opens on February 14.