DC writers predict the 'next era of superheroes' at C2E2
While DC's film universe has been turning it around with plenty of fun offerings like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the upcoming Shazam!, its comics haven't been slouches either.
At DC Comics' C2E2 panel Friday, which featured DC writers Tim Seeley, Robert Venditti, Marv Wolfman, and Cecil Castellucci, its heroes were the stars of the show (as if they ever weren't). SYFY WIRE attended the panel and learned plenty about what the comic side of DC — and comics in general — was heading toward in the future.
While some of the writers looked back at the Silver Age during the panel, Seeley assessed the current age of comics as one of post-modernism — at least in regard to its superheroes. Explaining that it's an era defined by superhero-on-superhero violence and moral relativism, Seeley also mentioned that he was tired of the trend and ready for something new.
"The next era of superheroes might have to be people coming back to what they agree on," Seeley said after referencing the hot topics of fake news and divisive politics. The flexibility of comic characters, with their identities solidly in their core yet their details completely malleable, is a perfect quality to address shifting tones and themes across the larger eras separating the industry, according to Wolfman and Castellucci.
This heavy discussion was punctuated by Castellucci's sweet story of her dad showing up (in homemade costume) as Batman to her fourth birthday party. Cuteness, complexity — comics has it all, and will continue to in the future. And that future may hold Lois Lane (Castellucci's character of choice), Superman (Venditti's pick), Deadman (Wolfman's selection), and Firestorm (Seeley's dream).
You can find all of SYFY WIRE's C2E2 coverage here.