Development: Chloe Moretz filling Snow White's Red Shoes; Ginnifer Goodwin enters Twilight Zone; more

The Korean-based animated film Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs now has a plan for a wide international release. According to Variety, this will happen through "a slew of local distributors."
The film is a modern retelling of the Snow White tale and stars Chloe Grace Moretz (pictured above) as Snow White. Also in the mix are Sam Claflin as Merlin and Gina Gershon as the Witch Queen. We don't remember Merlin being a part of the Snow White story, but we don't remember it involving red shoes either, and in this version the titular shoes transform Snow into a classical beauty. The dwarfs of the title will need a kiss from a beautiful woman to undo a curse ... we wonder if they'll pitch it to her in that exact way.
Variety reports that Finecut is "nearing a deal for North America," which should be finalized once the film screens this week at the Berlin Film Festival's European Market. Written and directed by Hong Sungho, the film was made for a budget of $20 million. The director of animation was Kim Jin, who previously worked on Frozen and Tangled.
Speaking of Snow White, a veteran of the role is joining the ever-developing cast of the new version of The Twilight Zone. Via a press release from CBS All Access, Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White in Once Upon a Time) is the latest actor to join the show.
She will star in an episode called "Point of Origin," which will also feature James Frain (Star Trek: Discovery, Orphan Black) and Zabryna Guevara. Jordan Peele will likely also appear in the episode, as he is the host (and executive producer) of the show.
Besides spending many seasons in Storybrooke on Once Upon a Time, Goodwin was a part of Zootopia, Walk the Line, and Win a Date With Tad Hamilton.
The Twilight Zone will return on April 1, exclusively on CBS All Access.
Speaking of being creeped out beyond belief, what says creepy better than a doll that may be alive and is probably trying to murder you? Nothing. Ab-so-lutely nothing.
If you didn't get enough of the doll named Brahms (aka the male Annabelle) in The Boy, get ready for another go — The Boy 2 is coming, and today we get the first image of Brahms' return:
Saying only "he's made a friend," in the official tweet, the photo shows Brahms almost completely covered in dirt, with his "new friend" covering his mouth. It is probably with good reason that Brahms is getting his mouth closed.
The issue here, however, is that we know what the doll-deal is with Brahms, all thanks to the first film. It's not just a simple case of "scary doll comes to life," so who knows how this sequel will manage that side of the Brahms-mythos.
The Boy 2 — starring Katie Holmes, Ralph Ineson, Owain Yeoman, and Christopher Convery — will be released at some point in 2019.
On second thought, perhaps there is something scarier than a creepy doll, that thing being artificial intelligence. Today we have a trailer for the film AMI, which is a new take on the growing "technology is going to kill you" genre. It is written and directed by Rusty Nixon.
Take a look at the trailer ...
The film — starring Debs Howard (iZombie), Sam Robert Muik, Phil Granger, Havana Guppy, and Bonnie Hay — centers on a young girl who has become a recluse after the death of her mother. To make herself less lonely, she downloads a digital personal assistant called "AMI," and they form what the filmmakers refer to as a "twisted co-dependency."