Exclusive: Kara & J'onn remember the (space) time in Supergirl deleted scene

With the season premiere of Supergirl less than a month away, The CW’s well-timed release of an extras-loaded Blu-ray and DVD set for Season 4 is giving us the perfect Supergirl crash course before Kara comes back to put that new costume (and that new hair!) to the test.
Ahead of the release of the full Season 4 set next week, SYFY WIRE has a sneak peek at one of a handful of deleted scenes that’ll be packed in, along with a ton of behind-the-scenes looks, gag takes, and more. The scene comes from “O Brother, Where Art Thou?,” the 15th episode of Season 4, which made waves not just for serving up the debut of Jon Cryer’s Lex Luthor, but also for cramming in more action than we had any right to expect — including J’onn’s long-awaited showdown with Manchester Black.
Check out the quiet moment between J’onn (David Harewood) and Kara (Melissa Benoist), where J’onn flashes back to a dark memory that reveals to Kara how the Martian Manhunter inherited “the entire thread of martian memory” from his father.
The clip is just one of the deleted scenes included on the disc release, in addition to all 22 Season 4 episodes and a trove of goodies that includes the DC Crossover featurette, the show’s 2018 San Diego Comic-Con panel, a gag reel, and — for Blu-ray owners — all three DC Crossover: Elseworlds episodes. If you’ve cut the cord and don’t need a disc, The CW still has you covered with Season 4 on digital, with a wide release to iTunes, Amazon Video, PlayStation, Vudu, Xbox, and more.At this year’s Comic-Con, show producer Robert Rovner hinted that Season 5 will tread new territory with storylines “about how technology impacts us, and how people use it to escape from what happens in their lives,” after all the nefarious uses villains had for tech as a weapon against humanity in Season 4. It’s a logical progression from where Kara and the rest of the team left off — and it’s headed back to The CW when Season 5 premieres on Oct. 6.
As for the Blu-ray and DVD, it’s already time to suit up: Supergirl: The Complete Fourth Season hits store shelves on Sept. 17.