Exclusive: Things get weird in A.T. White's Starfish
Out on VOD this week, A.T. White's Starfish tells of a grieving woman, Aubrey (an outstanding Virginia Gardner), whose period of mourning for her late best friend is complicated by a little thing called the apocalypse.
Watch the exclusive clip above, but don't assume you know where Starfish is going — above all else, it's a cerebral, unexpected, utterly original entry into the sci-fi/horror canon.
Speaking at last year's Fantastic Fest, writer/director A.T. White reflected on integrating a supernatural horror element — in the form of a species of monsters who invade the Colorado town where Aubrey is staying, little-seen to powerful effect — into what was originally a straightforward story about grief.
Noted White, "I'm a big Silent Hill fan. Particularly those first two games where the demons were representing literal demons within the lead character. Later on, it got away from that and they just became monsters. I really wanted to get back to that, where the creatures mean something."
Catch this truly one-of-a-kind film on VOD now.