This real-life beer can doubles as a fully-functional video game controller

In a move that’s as much a stroke of ergonomic genius as it is a marketing one, Miller Lite has found a way to jab right at E3 gamers’ hearts with one of the most endearing one-offs ever: a fully-filled can of beer that also happens to totally function as a video game controller.
If you know how to drink beer out of a can, then Miller Lite’s “Cantroller” is going to feel right at home in your sweaty little grasp — though we’re not sure which is harder: not mistakenly taking a ghost sip because well, there’s a beer can in your hand, or reprogramming your brain to lay this thing on its side and operate it like a conventional controller — even though, y’know, it’s a CAN OF BEER.
Proving that no marketing budget will stand in the way of a great idea making its way to the people, of course Miller Lite recruited comedian Eric Andre and a production crew to drive the point home in a slick promo ahead of the can’s floor debut at E3.
Sadly, this first truly great invention of the admittedly still-young 21st century is not going on sale, according to Variety. Rather, all that time and effort to bring the Cantroller from concept to reality will be lavished only on the lucky E3 sot who can conquer Andre — and we’re calling it ahead of time — in what’s certain to be an epic and historically significant Street Fighter V match, which you can follow from E3 on Miller Lite’s Twitch channel (four words we never thought we’d type back to back) on June 12.
Need details? Pfft, okay, whatever: The Cantroller works like any Bluetooth-enabled game controller. It’s wireless; it has buttons and a D-pad; it has Bluetooth, haptic feedback (hey, that’s actually a nice touch), and a promised three-hour playtime off a single charge from its lithium-ion battery ... “and, most importantly,” as Miller Lite clairvoyantly points out, “great tasting beer you can actually drink.”
If you’re headed to E3 and you foolishly think you’re up to this level of challenge (we know the stakes are high), you can register to go toe to toe with comedic greatness over at Miller Lite’s Cantroller page. But if you somehow defy fate and manage to take this thing home, just don’t screw up and toss it in the trash with the rest of your empties when it’s time to clean up in the wake of your inevitable post-victory celebration.