NYCC 2019: Will The King's Man enter the world of Kick-Ass?
Next February, director Matthew Vaughn will reenter the world of Mark Millar's Kingsman with The King's Man, a cinematic prequel to the comic and the two previous films. On the first day of New York Comic Con 2019, Vaughn and The King's Man cast members Ralph Fiennes, Harris Dickinson, and Djimon Hounsou made their way to the SYFY WIRE Live Stage. Since Vaughn also directed the first movie based on Millar's Kick-Ass, we couldn't resist asking him if he would ever helm a Millarworld crossover on the big screen.
"That would be Mark Millar's dream," said Vaughn. "Mark loves self-promotion more than anyone I know. So he'd love to put all of his characters in a mashup. I think with Netflix, he's going to do that with all of the characters he has there. But who knows? The Kingsman, Kick-Ass... they're both based in reality, so Kick-Ass and Kingsman could come together one day. It'd be weird, but never say never."
We also asked the cast if they were comic book fans before joining The King's Man. Surprisingly, Fiennes shared a lot of his favorite British comic books.
"I used to read a lot of comics when I was young," admitted Fiennes. "We had sort of comic comics, which were very humorous and funny. Famously Beano [and] Dandy for kids. But [also] Commando, and Warlord, and Victory, and Eagle... I realize now that this is mid-to-late '60s/early '70s. A lot of the themes were historical and were Second World War... I suddenly realized the Second World War was recent history. Even growing up, it seemed a long time ago. But I see now that in 1970, it was only 30 years ago...So a lot of these comics carried heroic types fighting in a Second World War context."
For more details from the cast and director of The King's Man, check out the full video!