Pennywise vs. other horror icons on the It Chapter Two red carpet
Who would you rather go trick or treating with: Michael Myers or Pennywise?
Assuming you survived Halloween night, who would you rather have dinner with: Hannibal Lecter or Pennywise?
Come to think of it, if Pennywise was busy, would you rather face off against Chucky or Annabelle?
And would you rather take a swim with Jaws or The Meg?
These are just a few of the hard and very important questions we asked of the cast and crew of It Chapter Two, including Bill Hader (Richie), Andy Bean (Stanley), Jay Ryan (Ben), Joan Gregson (Mrs. Kersh), and more! We also got to speak with Jessica Chastain (Beverly), director Andy Muschietti, and little Jackson Robert Scott (Georgie himself!).
Watch below (or float above). It Chapter Two opens September 6.