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SYFY WIRE Resident Alien

Get ready for 'Resident Alien' Season 2, Episode 2 with exclusive photo gallery

Get a sneak peek at the second episode of Resident Alien's second season.

Resident Alien 202

Are you as excited for the second episode of Resident Alien Season 2 as much as we are? Yeah, we thought so! Which is why we’re giving you, our dedicated RA fans, an exclusive look at the episode before it crash lands to SYFY on Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 9/8c. 

How to Watch

Watch Resident Alien on SYFY and Peacock.

These exclusive pictures make for a wonderful sneak peek into the second episode of Season 2 and are an essential look-through for any Resident Alien fan. They’re Harry-approved, so you know that this is some can’t-miss content. And with the second episode fast approaching, you’ll want to be as ready as ever for another exciting, intergalactic installment of Resident Alien.

Resident Alien Season 2, Episode 2: "The Wire" premieres on SYFY on Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 9/8c.

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