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Ryan Reynolds has Satan meet the 2020 love of his life in hilarious Match dating ad

By James Comtois

The saying goes, there’s someone for everybody. Even if you’re the devil himself, there’s somebody out there for you. Well, in the latest hilarious ad for the Match dating app, even Satan finds the love of his life thanks to the dating site ... and Ryan Reynolds

Courtesy of Reynolds’ Maximum Effort production company, the commercial has Satan (looking almost exactly like Tim Curry’s Darkness from the 1985 Ridley Scott film Legend) using the dating app to meet his ideal match. And when the Prince of Darkness first meets that special someone under a bridge and they introduce themselves, even we were like, “Of course. Who else could stoke the flames of love within the Lord of Hell?” 

We’re not even going to tell you who it is. Just...see for yourself.

The ad then shows the perfect couple feeding each other strawberries in an unused football stadium, working out together in a closed gym, seeing a movie in an empty theater, and stealing rolls of toilet paper, all set to Taylor Swift’s gentle tune, “Love Story" (and yes, she's cool with this). You see the pattern here, right? It’s a genuine match made in hell. 

And naturally they take a cute selfie in front of a dumpster fire before watching comets rain down upon the planet. The ad ends with the tagline, “Make 2020 your year,” before quickly switching to read “2021.”

Still, you gotta admit: they do make a pretty cute couple, don’t they?