Ty Yorrick hunts gundarks in IDW's Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures - The Monster of Temple Peak #1

Surging into the marketplace in the wake of the latest Star Wars novel, The High Republic: Rising Storm, force-sensitive monster slayer Ty Yorrick stars in her comic book debut with IDW Publishing’s Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures - The Monster of Temple Peak #1 — and SYFY WIRE has a special look into the premiere chapter.
This is the first original graphic novel spawned from Star Wars' expansive The High Republic publishing campaign, which launched last year and represents another immersion into the Golden Age of the Jedi Knights. It’s written by Star Wars veteran Cavan Scott (The High Republic: Rising Storm) and accented with vibrant artwork from Rachael Stott (Supergirl).
Ty is a courageous yet superstitious monster hunter zipping around the galaxy with KL-03 and her handy rune-stones, battling the deadliest abominations on any planet. After wrangling an escaped Drewen being transported out to the Republic Fair, Ty zooms off to Loreth, where local pioneers have challenged her to confront the ferocious Gretalax that has been terrorizing them. She accepts the mission but can’t ignore the feeling that something isn't right with the Force.
"Ty Yorrick is a character that I’ve wanted to introduce to Star Wars for years," Scott tells SYFY WIRE. "A former Jedi with trust issues and a talent for hunting monsters? What’s not to love? Thankfully readers of Star Wars: The High Republic - The Rising Storm agreed and its been fantastic to see the excitement about The Monster of Temple Peak following Ty’s explosive appearance at the Republic Fair on Valo.
"We started work on the storyline for the comic the very same day I wrote her first lines in the novel, giving me the rare opportunity to develop a character across two media at the same time, the comic and the novel informing each other as Ty started to take on a life of her own."
"The only thing that was missing at that point was Rachael Stott’s art, " Scott adds. "I was so excited when Rachael came on board as I knew from our previous collaborations exactly what she brings to a project: dynamic action balanced by beautiful character moments that can break your heart one minute and have you punching the air the next."
In the 5-page preview below, we’re introduced to settlers on Loreth, before focusing on saber-for-hire Ty Yorrick’s mad hunt for a gundark on Blarrum, where strange creatures and other bizarre beasts go bump in the night.
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures - The Monster of Temple Peak will unfold in four monthly installments from IDW starting Aug. 11.