Tom Holland’s third Spider-Man movie finally has a title! Or does it?

There’s been a lot of speculation around the third Spider-Man movie. Will Andy Garfield and Tobey MacGuire make multiverse appearances, for example? But perhaps the biggest question remains: What, for the love of Peter Parker, is the actual title of the film?
That question has become a running joke for fans, and Spider-Man actors Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Jacob Batalon (Ned), and Zendaya (MJ) took to Instagram today to churn up the internet about what the title of Spider-Man’s next standalone installment in the MCU will be.
“So excited to announce the new Spider-Man title,” Holland shared on Instagram, along with the first official set photo from the film. “Can’t wait for you lot to see what we have been up to. Love from Atlanta.”
The set photo features all three stars gazing up at something off-camera with looks of surprised dread (Holland), grim concern (Zendaya), and anxious worry (Batalon). Swipe left on the post, however, and Holland’s post reveals the “title” of the movie — Spider-Man: Phone Home.
Phone home? Has the third Spider-Man movie been a secret homage to E.T. all along? As fans scrambled to make sense of the post, Batalon unleashed an Instagram of his own.
“We’re so excited to share the TITLE of our new movie!!” he wrote on the social media platform. “Swipe right for the big reveal!!???also enjoy this exclusive still from the movie, just an extra gift from us?.”
Batalon shared another set photo — this one featuring the same trio in the same outfits at the entrance of an unsavory-looking basement. Batalon is leading the pack. His arm is raised (perhaps to shed some light on the situation?), while Holland and Zendaya stand behind him with “WTF” looks on their faces. Batalon also offered up another tidbit for fans — a swipe to the left reveals ANOTHER title for the film, Spider-Man: Home-Wrecker.
Home-wrecker? That can’t be right. It’s here that even the most optimistic fans lost hope that we found out the real title of the movie
That didn't stop Zendaya from joining in on the fun, though. About an hour after Holland and Batalon posted, she shared her own Instagram post. "So excited to announce the new Spider-Man title," she shared. "So proud of this one...FOS is back!"
The set photo she shared finds the trio at it once again, this time with Zendaya and Holland hovering over Batalon as he works his tech and grimacing skills on a laptop. Not to be outdone by her fellow actors, Zendaya's post also had an image of a THIRD fake title — Spider-Man: Home Slice.
Sad to say, given the obvious bit the three are pulling, but it's highly unlikely that any homes will be sliced in the upcoming movie. Zendaya, Holland, and Batalon are most likely playing with us, and the true title of the film remains unknown…for now at least.
The currently multi-titled third Spider-Man movie hits theaters Dec. 17, 2021.