Twitter blows up over tonight's surprise guest on Doctor Who

Fantastic! Tonight's epsiode of Doctor Who was full of surprises, inlcuding one that had fans erupting online before it was even done airing stateside.
**Warning: this item contains major spoilers for the "Fugitive of the Judoon" episode of Doctor Who.**
Not only did tonight's episode of Doctor Who written by Vinay Patel & showrunner Chris Chibnall mark the return of the Judoon and Cybermen...or at least, the warning of a lone Cyberman (as promised in the trailer), but also the return of an old friend of The Doctor and former Torchwood leader Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)!
Captain Jack first appeared in the first season episode "The Empty Child" in 2005, back when Christopher Eccleston played the Doctor. His last appearance was in "The Blood Line," the 10th episode of Season Four of the spinoff series Torchwood in 2011.
The episode wasn't even done airing on BBC America before fans took to Twitter to justifiably flip way the hell out on this.
Welcome back, Jack!
Even Barrowman himself took to Twitter to offer a curtain call of sorts...
Fans also loved that other reveal...
Doctor Who star Jodie Whittaker recently confirmed that she's on board for at least another season of the series.
Doctor Who airs on Sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. on BBC America.