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Who Won the Week: Wild Life with Baron Vaughn

By Alexis L. Loinaz & Jackie Jennings
Wild Life on SYFY

Welcome to the latest episode of Who Won the Week, a weekly podcast in which SYFY WIRE looks back at the week that was and the stories that are blowing up the geek-o-sphere.

A double, nay, TRIPLE whammy of guests in today's episode as we chat with Alexis Loinaz about some movie delays and acknowledge Jackie Jennings' devastation over the news of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance being canceled by Netflix. But fret not! Because in their place is SYFY's new show Wild Life starring Baron Vaughn, who sheds some light onto the process of becoming an animated fox. Spoiler alert: cunning not required. We top it all off with a preview of our conversation with Alitha Martinez, one of the comic books artists behind DC Comics' Represent.

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