Wonder Woman 1984: Fans flip for Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal…and a bonus scene that lassoes the nostalgia
It’s finally here: Wonder Woman 1984 makes its dual premiere in theaters and HBO Max today, reuniting star Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins in a Christmas-Day debut for one of the most hotly-awaited movies of this very weird year.
The hugely hyped sequel to 2017’s Wonder Woman — a film that forever cemented Gadot and Jenkins as household names for both DC fans and casual moviegoers — lit up screens both big and small with an ‘80s-fueled blast through another part of Diana Prince’s past…and fans wasted no time hopping on social media to share the lasso-bound truth about their first reactions.
With many viewers appearing to be checking out 1984 from the comfort of home, the most Amazon-sized responses seem to focus on the movie’s freshest faces. Kristen Wiig’s performance as Cheetah is a big fan standout, and a lot of fans who’ve no doubt been binging their share of Disney+ also found out — apparently in real time — that The Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal doesn’t necessarily spend all his time hanging out in the galaxy far, far away.
One more familiar face also stole the spotlight in a big way, showing up for the movie’s bonus scene to tug at those nostalgia-loving heartstrings. We’ve tried to steer clear of obvious spoilers in the tweets below, but if you want the bonus scene (as well as the entire movie) to have maximum impact, it’s probably a good idea to scroll cautiously.
Here's a sampling of what fans are saying:
Directed by Jenkins (who’s recently been handed the keys to her very own Star Wars movie) and featuring a score by Hans Zimmer, Wonder Woman 1984 stars Gadot, Wiig, and Chris Pine as Steve Trevor; and also features Pascal as Maxwell Lord, Connie Nielsen as Hippolyta, and Robin Wright as Antiope. Jenkins really, really hopes fans will get the chance to see the film on the biggest screen they can, but at least we’ve got options: Wonder Woman 1984 is playing both in theaters nationwide, and as a bundled-in movie for HBO Max subscribers at no additional charge.