Chosen One of the Day: TGI Spideys from Into the Spider-Verse
We know that our fav Clearly-a-Millennial-Spider-Dad made some questionable decisions in his universe, some poor life choices, but one that I believe was outside his control?
T G I Spideys
There is no way this was a bad idea. I am a sucker for a fun chain restaurant — Chili’s? Sign me up. Friday’s? Sure! Cheesecake Factory? Yes. So you want to combine the kitschiness of a chain restaurant with my favorite superhero of all time? Um, how do I get there?
We get a brief glimpse of a review in the movie, and sir, I object. Spider-web nachos? I want to eat it. Spider-burger, if I can substitute in turkey, I am interested. And you know what? Maybe a cucumber creamsicle is refreshing.
I bet TGI Spideys has Spider-rolls aka bread rolls plated in the shape of a spider, not sushi. I bet it’s the kind of place you can go and celebrate a kid’s birthday — or my birthday, whatever. The walls are probably covered not just in Spidey-toys and paraphernalia, but also newspapers and photos of Spidey’s greatest hits (there’s sure to be shots of him punching out the worst villains the city has to offer). And maybe every so often, Spidey himself swings through the restaurant just to say hi to the diners.
Reservation for two, please?