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'Chucky': Fiona Dourif on playing young Charles Lee Ray, aka the part her dad made famous

Charles Lee Ray has always been played by Brad Dourif, but in Chucky, daughter Fiona took a stab.

By Jackie Jennings
That Time Fiona Dourif Dressed Up As Brad Dourif

There are a few things in life that are inevitable: taxes, death, and slowly turning into your parents. That is especially true for Fiona Dourif, aka Nica Pierce in the Child’s Play franchise. In a moment  from Season 1 that could only work in SYFY & USA's Chucky, Fiona plays a young, blood-soaked Charles Lee Ray in a flashback to the early days of Chucky and Tiffany’s romance. Of course, Charles Lee Ray is the role of course originated by the inimitable Brad Dourif, Fiona’s dad. We had a chance to speak with Fiona about her performance — and, spoiler, becoming her dad was just as odd and delightful for her as it was for us.

How to Watch

Watch Chucky on SYFY. Stream from the beginning on Peacock.

First, let’s go over some Cliff’s Notes for the uninitiated. In 1988, the phenomenal Brad Dourif played the role of Charles Lee Ray in the first Child’s Play movie. If you don’t know who Charles Lee Ray is, he’s the serial killer who has inhabited a Good Guy doll (and lots of other forms) for the past 30-something years.

In Child’s Play, Brad plays both the actual embodied serial killer in the movie’s opening scenes and provides the vocal performance for Chucky for the rest. And by "the rest," we mean the entire Child’s Play franchise up to the Chucky series on SYFY & USA.

Fiona Dourif, Brad’s daughter, first entered the Child’s Play universe as Nica Pierce in Curse of Chucky back in 2013. Let’s just say Nica, like everyone who comes into contact with Chucky, has been through it. Nica reappeared, along with Jennifer Tilly, in Episode 5 of the Chucky series, in which Nica is still possessed by a piece of Chucky's soul. Within the same episode, there’s a flashback to the early days of Charles and Tiff’s relationship, and Charles is played by Fiona.

OK, did you follow? It’s really more fun to just watch the show. And after you watch the show, watch the above video where Fiona chats with us about playing a character originated by her dad. And having world class prosthetics, hair, and makeup applied to your face so you look like your dad.

Damn, Freud would have really loved Chucky.

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