Game of Thrones showrunners reveal what actually happened to Ser Pounce

There have been a lot of tragic animal deaths over the course of Game of Thrones' seven seasons. Lady the direwolf. Greywind the direwolf. Almost all of the direwolves, really. And who could forget Viserion's tragic death (and subsequent resurrection) at the hands of the Night King?
It turns out there's another heart-tugging death we can add to the list, and this one didn't even make it on the air.
Ser Pounce, cat to King Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman), was briefly introduced in Season 4 when he hopped on Tommen's bed and into our hearts. Then he was never seen or heard from again. While talking with Entertainment Weekly, showrunner David Benioff revealed why.
"Cersei hated the name 'Ser Pounce' so much she could not allow him to survive," showrunner David Benioff told EW. "So she came up with her most diabolical [execution]. Ser Pounce’s death was so horrible we couldn’t even put it on the air."
Keep in mind that Cersei (Lena Headey), in her quest for power, blew up The Citadel with wildfire, along with a significant chunk of the Game of Thrones call sheet. Knowing his bride-to-be, Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer), was among those killed, Tommen took his own life.
Benioff did say that there was some behind-the-scenes drama that contributed to the character's exit. "That cat was really not fun to work with. There’s a reason the phrase 'like herding cats' came into existence."
Fellow showrunner D.B. Weiss joked that the show's upcoming box set will commemorate Ser Pounce's journey to the afterlife with "one whole episode."
"If you buy the super-extended, super-charged Game of Thrones box set that comes out, the death of Ser Pounce will be in there."
While that's unlikely to happen, at least we have some closure. Rest in peace, Ser Pounce. You were too light and fluffy for their world.