Jordan Peele's Twilight Zone will be available in black-and-white starting May 30th

In its original run from 1958 to 1964, The Twilight Zone brought television viewers into strange worlds and told stories that didn’t follow the standard formula. Rod Serling’s creation was a hit, and part of that was the show’s distinct tone. Not only was the odd subject matter a trademark of the show, but also the fact that its entire run was in black and white.
When CBS All Access announced the return of The Twilight Zone, this time with Jordan Peele at the helm, the issue of color vs. black and white came up. In a March interview with Variety, executive producer Simon Kinberg said, “We decided we wanted to do something to honor the essence and sensibility and style of the original without going so overboard that we were doing a karaoke version of the original. The black-and-white felt like it was a step too far.”
That’s a reasonable and understandable way to look at it. You don’t want to forget what came before you, but you have to make it your own. However, with the new series being successful, and already renewed for a Season 2, it was time to backtrack a bit, but not in a wrong way. On his Twitter account, Peele made an announcement.
On May 30, you will have the option to watch The Twilight Zone in either color or black and white. Multiple viewing options is a great idea. It gives fans a choice to see the show in its current style or see it as if it aired during the show's original run. The option doesn’t take away from the version Peele and company created, but just gives fans a chance to see from a different point of view.
The Twilight Zone is currently airing on CBS All Access.