Happy happy, joy joy! Ren & Stimpy animated revival series heads to Comedy Central

It's better than bad — it's good! Much like Log, today's news about The Ren & Stimpy Show — the utterly oddball and influential '90s animated series from John Kricfalusi about a Chihuahua and cat that looked like anything but — should have nostalgic fans singing "Happy Happy, Joy Joy." The surreal series, which ran for five seasons from 1991-1996, is coming back to TV.
Variety reports that the ViacomCBS series (originally airing on Nickelodeon because they gave kids some weird, weird stuff back then) will be getting a reimagining at Comedy Central. This follows news last month that other ViacomCBS cult animated hits from years past, Clone High and Beavis and Butt-head, would be coming back to TV. Now the show where the superheroic Powdered Toast Man and the board game Don't Whiz on the Electric Fence made their debut is also getting back in action. These moves all come as the company revitalizes its adult animation division, hiring Grant Gish (Bob’s Burgers and the upcoming M.O.D.O.K.) to head it up.
Ren & Stimpy's musical catchiness, conflicting and often disturbing art styles, and gross-out humor didn't just appeal to kids and adults alike, it was highly impactful on the future of animated comedy. SpongeBob and Adventure Time would never have had their extreme physicality or bold references to more adult themes without the trailblazing, Billy West-voiced house pets.
However, different than Clone High's Phil Lord or Beavis and Butt-head's Mike Judge, the new Ren & Stimpy is coming without its original creator, as Kricfalusi has weathered intense sexual misconduct allegations in the last few years. Not only will the original creator have no input on the series, he will also reportedly not benefit financially in any way from the new series.